Oct 29, 2021
Is the supply chain crisis happening because Americans have more money than they are willing to spend? Join Tho Bishop of the Mises Institute as he comments on this topic among others. Also in the show, Tho is joined by Dr. Patrick Newman, author of the upcoming Cronyism: Liberty vs. Power in Early America. Was there...
Oct 29, 2021
In this episode, Tho Bishop of the Mises Institute guest hosts A Neighbor's Choice. Tho comments on the real threat to DeSantis' Florida, Disney's influence on Florida politics, property rights vs civil rights in America, how Republicans are bought off by lobbyists, and more. Tho is joined by Ash Navabi, an economist...
Oct 26, 2021
David Gornoski starts the show by commenting on the Facebook "whistleblower" campaign with the help of Glenn Greenwald's latest exposé on the story. Join David for this episode as he offers his analysis on the latest news before pointing us to C.S. Lewis' advice of "aiming for heaven." Is printing money out of thin...
Oct 25, 2021
Facebook share prices have not dropped despite the whistleblower revelations. What could this mean? Join David Gornoski as he comments on this news as well as what China's “Secret Philosopher” Wang Huning observes about American society; Ron DeSantis' remarks on Fauci's cruel experiments on dogs; the reason behind...
Oct 25, 2021
We often take our comforts and liberties for granted, David Gornoski says as he begins the show with an urge to stand up for our liberties before they are taken away. How can the Lord's Prayer help us see clearly in this time of confusion? How do we find joy in times of pain and sorrow? How do we tackle a culture...