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David Gornoski

Mar 26, 2020

Noted criminal trial attorney Catherine Bernard joins David Gornoski to explore how juries have the power to judge the morality and appropriateness of laws, not just the facts of cases. Also, assistant editor Tho Bishop stops by to take on the handout hurricane from DC and the CDC and FDA's...

Mar 19, 2020

During challenges like pandemics, the rule of law is essential to protect. Without a moral foundation for law, societies breakdown, families are torn apart, and cures for diseases are prevented. Collectivism depends on scapegoats. Freedom depends on self-sacrifice and skin in the game. David Gornoski explores what's at...

Feb 10, 2020

David Gornoski explores how our forms of collective violence increasingly fail to deter violence because of our lack of appetite for publicly sanctioned brutality. This phenomenon, a product of the Gospel's influence in the West, will continue to render state coercion impotent in foreign nation building campaigns and...